I love going back to some of my favorite Boston Skyline location to access the potential for creating panorama photography images of Boston. One prime destination and exceptional skyline location is Fan Pier in the Seaport District. The city of Boston build this beautiful pier and it connects downtown to the ICA museum via the HarborWalk way. In the immediate area there are a lot of luxury apartments and business constructions ongoing but the stroll and views of the city are incredible. I consider it one of the best, if not the best view of the downtown skyline.
My latest Boston Skyline Panorama picture was taken on a beautiful autumn night in November. Clear skies dominated the evening and night - perfect! So, I ventured out to finally get a high resolution image of the entire downtown cityscape view that you can print large, real large. I arrived shortly after sunset, luckily found easy parking near by and after setting up tripod and camera I was ready to go. It's a habit to snap a few test runs to ensure I have my photography vision covered and then it was the usual waiting game. Once twilight arrived I captured 8 segments of the skyline - building beautifully illuminated by the late light and the sky wonderfully clear and turquoise.
Back home I eagerly processed the 8 pictures in photoshop, stitching them into one large panorama image and cropping the final photograph. During post processing I also adjusted lighting, contrast and color saturation before removing dust spots and sharpening the final image of downtown Boston and the John Joseph Moakley United States Courthouse.
Good light and happy photo making!
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