Creating and Selling Art is a tough business and as in any
other business (sports, modeling, fashion) with lots of people following their
dream they become easy targets for shady predators. Keep in mind that nobody really
will do the job for you and especially not for free. It all boils down to us doing
the leg work of promoting ourselves and our art and how badly we want to succeed. This is based
on a personnel experience. I fell for a rip-off that qualifies as an artist scam
when I was tired of online marketing and looking for a break. I fell for Tuck
Tucker who also goes by the name Bill Tucker and his shady online business Best
Art Marketing. Bill also operates under websites like The Art Marketing Agency
and his latest website Visual Arts Marketing which is geared towards all
artists. He targets photographers and artists in his Fine Art Photography
Resource group on LinkedIn. My experience with his false advertisement promises
and art scam inspired me to compile the following tips to avoid email spam,
artist scam and rip off or fraud. In addition I provide you with my personal
experience with Tuck Tucker and Best Art Marketing.
Tip#1: Keep your guard up at all times and never let them down. Double-check with other artists,
research online, and do not trust anybody. If you suspect an artist scam most
likely it is one.
Tip #2: Do your research. If it is an art scam, somebody else may have already fallen
for it and written about it online. A quick Google Search for company name or
person with the words artist scam or art scam will hopefully identify the scammer
and scam and put an end to it.
Tip #3: Be aware of spam, phishing, or scam emails. Common
warning signs in emails are misspelled words, poor grammar, or an urgent hurried buyer from overseas. When receiving an email from an unknown sources or identified
as spam, phishing, or scam, the best is just to delete it. In any case do not
respond because you might open your computer to be hacked.
Tip #4: Pay attention to warning signs on malicious websites. A badly designed website with bright, flashy colors or
poorly drafted emails should immediately ring the alarm bells. Take matters into
your own hands and start an intensive research and query the site or company
you are thinking of doing business with before spending your hard-earned dollars.
Tip #5: Be cautious when a buyer wants to make their own
shipping arrangements or have somebody else pick up the artwork, usually an
indicator of a spam and warning sign for a rip-off, scam, or fraud.
Tip #6: Avoid overpayment and ensure the payment has cleared
before shipping your art. Be skeptical if a potential buyer is offering to pay
by cashier’s check or money order. Make sure not to be overpaid and never agree
to return the overpayment.
Tip #7: Always ask and request references or a client list so that you can follow up with other artist and questioning them about their experience. If there isn't one you probably want to stay away. Also challenge references and credential by running a google search for artist, company or other info that was provided may provide important background information.
Tip #8: Take action when you suspect a rip off, scam, or fraud or have become a victim. File a complaint, share resources, and share your experience with fellow artists and photographers.
Tip #8: Take action when you suspect a rip off, scam, or fraud or have become a victim. File a complaint, share resources, and share your experience with fellow artists and photographers.
Tip #9: Spread the word and tips to make other artists aware.
Share this post with other artists, friends and family … hopefully it will prevent
them from falling for an art rip-off scam like I did.
Tip #10: Don’t dwell on being a victim to an art scam for
too long. Try turning a negative experience while selling and marketing your
artwork into a positive by sharing and connecting with other artists. Build an
alliance against artist rip-offs, scams, fraud and post your own experiences
Case Study Based on my own
Experience with Best Art Marketing and Bill Tucker: At the end of July 2012 I had my guard down and was a victim of
an artist scam and rip-off that falsely promised online marketing assistance. I
lost money to Bill Tucker and Best Art Marketing. Bill also goes by the name
Tuck Tucker and runs the Fine Art Resource group on LinkedIn where he targets
photographers and artists. He operates this group to advertise his bogus
services in group posts, obtains your email address and sends out email advertisement
of his false services. When I visited his old website the alarm bells already
should have rung. It was poorly designed; colors and font just screamed scam. A
quick Google search afterwards revealed that there were already posts
complaining about his marketing service and his bad business ethics. Obviously
I did not do my homework properly. However, I was tired and looking for an
online marketing break and remember thinking that it would be nice to get that
desired break and thinking how bad could it be. Tuck Tucker must provide
something of use, even if it is only the promised Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
So eventually, I paid using Paypal. Besides SEO, Bill promised promotions through
Best Art Marketing and of course in the end more sales and exposure worldwide. Needless
to say, that initially nada was provided as promised which classifies it as an
artist scam. There was only communication when I filed a claim with Paypal but
it turned out that Paypal is useless for these kinds of claims and it was
lifted at one point, letting Bill of the hook. The 100% money back guarantee
that Bill Tucker and Best Art Marketing offer is bogus too and he has no intention
of refunding any of our hard earned dollars that we transfer. Based on the
initial experience I decided to apply pressure via my social network on Twitter,
Facebook and on LinkedIn. I am very thankful to my network for sharing because
it must have been somewhat successful and impacted his revenue since in October
2012 I received an apology email from him and The Art Marketing Agency. He said
I fell off the radar and within the email was the report that was promised and
advertised originally. The report was embedded in the email but had no value to
me. Its main features were a list of links to common online art galleries where
we can sell our artwork, recommendations to use social networks like Twitter,
StumbleUpon, and Facebook, to start writing a blog, and a list of SEO keywords
that are very common for fine art photography and that I already use. The main
push of his service is to get you to apply to an art online auction site in
France. I never did since it cost extra money to apply. In my opinion he is
counting on artists not being accepted, then dropping the ball and not
bothering anymore … easy money for Tucker but worthless for any artist and
photographer. At the end of his email Bill states that if I am not satisfied
with the report and service a refund will be granted. Since the report has little
to no value for anybody and the overall experience was horrible I asked for the
refund. Needless to say the refund has not been granted yet and as of 31 October
2012 he is working out details with Paypal. In the meantime I revisited old
posts in the discussion forum of Fine Art Photography Resources on LinkedIn and
learned that he removed my access from the group to post comments, deleted my previous
comments to warn other photography artists of the shady business practices of
Tuck Tucker and Best Art Marketing and deleted negative comments from other
photographers as well. It is funny to see that there are still comments from
others thanking Juergen when the original post is gone.
In conclusion Best Art Marketing and Tuck Tucker or Bill
Tucker badly represented the artist online manager and art marketing management
business industry. I would not expect any better services from The Art Marketing Agency
and his latest website Visual Arts Marketing. My clear recommendation for every
artist and photographer out there is to be aware and stay away from Tuck Tucker
and his false fine art marketing gimmicks and perform an extensive research on any
other art marketing service you think of to sign with. Last, please spread the
word here if you find an excellent art consultant that provides helpful and
outstanding services to the art community and world.
Thanks, Juergen
Wow Juergen, thank you so much for sharing such important information, I really appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteRegards Coral.
thanks I was just about to write him a check.I knew this was to good to be true. I am disabled so doing all this writing is very hard and I am new to the art world I was a child psychologist. I thougt I better google this and look what I found. Of course I am disappointed and feel like a fool but what else is new. I thought I found somebody who would help me eve if I had to pay, I really did not think my work was that good but he had me beliefing in myself lol well thanks for the info now I don't know where to go. I am not that good. Now I am mad that someone made such a fool out of me. Do you know anyone? I really am disabled and new to the art world? I just can't follow all the directions the right way but I am not stupid I was a chid psychologist before I got sick and was very successfull now nothing but I can paint, People do like my work but not like he was talking, What a bummer.I honnestly did not expect to get rich but if someone could just help me out it would make the playing ground a little easier. When you cannot do simmpe things it changes your life. I guess your saying well your writing now yes it is night and I have already been sick till 3 throwing up and now I am not shaking and will not sleep so than it starts all over again. Ramble on sorry thanks so much.shoppingcart is half done now another site is up fine art
DeleteThanks for commenting and sharing my art scam blog post Carol and Janice! I only shared my experience with him and his business which was horrible and I feel robbed off my hard earned dollars. It is sad to experience someone taking advantage of vulnerable people but I am glad it helped. Your work is beautiful Janice ... keep producing this beautiful nature inspired paintings and your digital artwork ... success will follow!
ReplyDeleteExcellent post.
ReplyDeleteThanks Charlino ... just sharing my incredible bad experience and combined it with some tips to hopefully avoid becoming a victim of spam, scam, fraud or rip-off ... glad you like it!
ReplyDeleteThat is so unfortunate for you Jeurgen, but you're fantastic for taking the enormous amount of time to write a detailed description of your experience. This will help other artists avoid similar/same experiences. I checked LinkedIn and I want to be sure the group you are referring to is Fine Art Photography Resources. I've shared this post with my LinkedIn connections and will continue to share it. I want to also add this resource: It's a good resource. Congratulations for turning a bad situation into something constructive.
ReplyDeleteThanks Renee ... very much appreciated. I always like to share my photo and outdoor experiences through my nature photography blog. It's a great tool to connect with other artists and tell my story. Unfortunately this one here was a bad experience but luckily the first of its kind :-) Fine Art Photography Resources is the correct group name on LinkedIn. My best, Juergen
ReplyDeleteJuergen, Thanks for putting this out there. I had found Mr. Tucker last year and was almost caught up in his sales pitch but for some reason walked away, I'm glad I did. Certainly getting our work marketed and out to the world is a full time, never ending task but one I think that is often best handled personally. Thanks again,
ReplyDeleteDavid Wilson
Gallery 941
I am still amazed how I got drawn into sending the money, always careful but I guess not this one time. I think you are making a good point though that marketing is often handled best by ourselves ... thanks for sharing David! I mainly use twitter, facebook and linkedin online and send out an email newsletter on a regular basis. Locally I do art festivals, open houses, and shows in galleries or other settings. Always wonder what others do?
ReplyDeleteThanks Juergen for sharing this. I think this can happen to anybody. Your experience is very valuable for all.
ReplyDeleteMost welcome Fernando and Cindy. Very good point actually Fernando. I have been always very carefully where and with whom I spent my money online. Always google names, companies, and look for feedback from others .... sometimes even contacted other artists but for some strange reason let this one go ... always be skeptical and do your research ... great advise Fernando ... thanks!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sending this out and cautioning to the dangers out there for selling the artwork we would love to sell.
ReplyDeleteIt was a bad experience and hopefully the tips prevent others for falling prey. I turned it into a positive by sharing and being back in full art promotion swing :-) ... thanks for commenting and sharing Anonymous!
ReplyDeleteI had my suspicions about this guy, especially since I am a web designer and offer to redesign his website for a discounted membership, which would have been more to his favor...and he said No. This confirms my suspicions, thanks for the heads-up!
ReplyDeleteGlad to see this blog post still reaches people. His website looked like a mess but I guess he got a deal somewhere. His business ethics are more than questionable and I highly recommend staying away from The Art Marketing Agency, Best Art Marketing and his latest website Visual Arts Marketing. His "report" and so called service is a joke with no value and was only provided once I applied social media pressure. I requested my money back but he never granted the 100% money back guarantee that he offers. Thanks for sharing your negative experience with Tuck Tucker. My best, Juergen
ReplyDeleteThanks for confirming my suspicions...the man is a snake.
ReplyDeleteGlad my blog post about art scams and rip-offs found you Michael. It a shame what he does for the complete art consulting and social media management industry ... I am now thinking twice and do double the research before I shell out any money. Snake is quite the understatement too ... with all the artists out there looking for a break he is probably making a quick buck or two ... up to us to stop that. Thanks for commenting and sharing. My best, Juergen
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteYou are very welcome Mel. I filed a complain with the better business bureau (BBB) and in the end Bill Tucker (Tuck Tucker) from The Art Marketing Agency or his latest website Visual Arts Marketing wanted to settle for 50% refund. I said that I don't accept that because in his original advertisement and follow up emails he repeatably stated that if a customer is not happy he will grant the 100% money back guarantee. The BBB than said that they can't help further and that was the end of it. Quite disappointing as it seems like nobody wants to help to take this shady business down and it also seems to be accepted, almost encouraged, to rip off artists. I have plenty of followers and could offer the same service as I believe that I actually would provide value information and do a so much better job than he did. Long story short: I highly recommend to stay away from everything that is associated with this guy or his businesses as you will only loose your hard earned dollars! Greetings, Juergen
ReplyDeletePS: Thanks for sharing too Mel!
Thank you for this very useful information Jeurgen, much appreciated! There are far too many taking advantage of artists these days with false claims. I am now very suspicious of any websites, or schemes that charge artists up front, instead of simply agreeing to a commission on sales.
ReplyDeleteMost welcome John. Bill Tucker (Tuck Tucker) from The Art Marketing Agency or his latest website Visual Arts Marketing contacted me the other day and stated that he is ready to reimbursing me a 100% but I think he also asked if I take the post down but it's always hard to say with his writing. Once I told him that this would not happen, as usual communication silence. He obviously never got me in the first place as it is really not about the money for me. It is about business ethics and integrity and because he does not have that I still highly recommend to stay away from anything he is involved in. The service and advice he claims to provided is not worth a dime and I assume one is lucky to get anything in return. I offer a 100% money back guarantee on my Open Edition Photography canvas, metal, acrylic or standard photo prints and would refund immediately if someone is not happy with the final quality of the artwork ... just makes common business sense if you offer such a refund. Happy Thursday and thanks so much for commenting and sharing this post John! My best, Juergen
ReplyDeleteHey thanks a lot for sharing this information.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad that I came across it.
Thanks a lot for stopping in, reading and commenting Rabbit TV ... very much appreciated. Glad to get feedback on this and it helps to spread the word about this artist scam and ripoff Tuck Tucker and Visual Arts Marketing is doing. Thanks for sharing too! Greetings, Juergen
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting this. I think one of the key phrases is that "your guard was down." This happens to all of us at some point and has happened to me. Since my photography site is highly rated in Google, I receive tons of offers from SEO Specialists offering to get me placed "on page one of Google." I'm already on page one of Google for my keyword phrases which is how they found me. But they write emails or phone calls saying that they couldn't find my site since it was ten pages into the search engine or something like that.
ReplyDeleteOne tip I would say, that anyone that promises to have you placed on page one of Google is a scammer. Good SEO can go a certain amount of the way, but it depends on what the keyword phrase is and they never say: I can get you on page one for these keyword phrases. That's where the trick is. Yes, I too can get you on page one for your name, or your business name if it's relatively unique - but not for any common art keyword phrase. So when you get that email, and they say they can get you on page one without saying what the keyword phrase is - you know it's a scam. And if they say they can get you on the first page, for a keyword phrase like Fine Art Photography, you also know it's a scam.
Keep your guard up, and make sure (as you say) to investigate and ask for references for anyone that promises anything that sounds too good to be true. Dave Beckerman
Thanks for commenting Dave.You made a real good point. People get tired and to comfortable with the internet which often leads to disappointment. There is another guy on LinkedIn who just posted. I linked back to this blog post but one member asked to see samples and guess what ~ that question was totally ignored and instead a link was posted that explains that websites should be designed for mobile devices. My 3 year old niece knows that already and it is no new advice. In my opinion just another scam to make a quick bug on artists, photographers, painters, etc.. Thanks for spreading the word to sort out the bad from the good social media marketing managers and promoters ~ question and an intensive research before spending your hard earn dollars. Happy Tuesday, Juergen
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for posting this Juergen. I am glad that you wrote a post about this and for sure that I stumbled over it. Learned quite a lot from your post. To be not just in alert, for sure always to check those sites out, before doing anything! In these days I check quite often when I get mails like I got from this Tuck Tucker or however he calls himself. Looks like his name switches quite often!! I found the e-mail ending already strange. nothing about the website instead just!! Also the name made me a bit like: what Tuck Tucker, yep and I am Queen Elisabeth :))
ReplyDeleteBut as you said, the weak moments are there sometimes, but that should give us a ring, to be more alert :))
I have seen you posted this last year already. Now we have July 2013 and this is still ongoing!!
You should have seen the website that he originally was running and that I fell for ~ it was all in red and different colors and just screamed "You will be ripped off here ~ don't do it" ~ As I described in my post I went for it anyways because I figured how bad can it really be and if I don't like it I ask for my money back ~ a 100% money back guarantee offered was just ignored and not granted by Tuck Tucker and The Art Marketing Agency or at the time his latest website Visual Arts Marketing. This person and/or marketing organization just lacks any concept of communication, business ethics and worst of all did not deliver a penny worth of information or marketing advice for selling art online. I never ever in the world would do any art business with them. I only know of those 2 sites and the other name he goes by, Bill Tucker, but I am sure there might be more to make a quick back from scamming artists. Doing an extensive online search for the person or business you consider working with and asking for references is your best bet of not loosing your money ripoff artist like him! Thanks for commenting and sharing this within your social network and friends Anette ... very much appreciated as it keeps it one of my popular blogs on the net :-) Happy Sunday, Juergen
ReplyDeleteI've also been "had" after not making any sales in 3 months. Asked for a refund - get told that it's past the PayPal dispute date which has NOTHING to do with the guarantee made on his site.
ReplyDeleteHe is now offering me free exposure on his newest scam - !!! instead of a refund!
Hi Mike, sorry to hear that he stole your hard earned dollars too. I am not surprised that he is operating under a new or the next website, ripping off artists and photographers. I took a look at the site and just screams scam ~ think twice before spending your money with this flake! As I mentioned in earlier conversations PayPal is useless and they don't help out at all to get your money back. BBB tried to settle but I requested a full refund which at the time Bill Tucker did not want do, although advertised on his website. In the meantime he contacted me twice. First time he mentioned he would refund me if I take this post here down. Second time he was talking about a full refund again which is why I set him up on my website and gave him a 2 weeks deadline to pay me back. Needless to say that the crook did not stand by his word (as many times before) and I deleted the payment option for him. This was his last chance and I am not dealing with him any more. I better spend my time on selling photography art on my own or with other services that I can trust. I only can hope this blog post about protecting yourself from artist scams, rip offs and internet fraud finds fellow artists and photographers before they spending money on dubious internet services that claim to help selling our artwork. Any share of this post is appreciated so that it stays one of my favorite blog posts. Happy Tuesday and Good Luck Mike, Juergen
ReplyDeleteHi, Mike, sorry of your sad experience, I've got the same from Tucker and of course no return money. I also one of the first who wrote on Linkedin informing about negative experience. After that Tucker wrote me the letter and apologies but again - no any return money, Finally I ask him to forget my email address and took it as lessons about online helpers. Now everything do on my own, its going hard, but going.. Good luck to all! Jenny Rainbow
ReplyDeleteThe money back guarantee that he offers is a joke. When I signed up to use his "service" for my photography and art business I thought worst case, if I don't like it I will ask for my money back and then be done with it. As the information and service he advertises and promotes is unusable and not worth a penny I indeed wanted my money back. Until today Bill Tucker or Tuck Tucker and Best Art Marketing has not refunded any money. I hear that he now operates under websites like The Art Marketing Agency and Visual Arts Marketing. I heard that there is a new one which only indicates that he is after our hard earned dollars with no help and service in return. At this point I moved forward and will not deal with him any more. He missed his chance to refund and making it right so I asked him to remove me from his emails. If I hear again I will take the appropriate action against this artist spammer, scamer and crook. As the comments on this blog post from many artists, painters and photographers shows a few fell for his ripoffs and learned the hard way. If you consider paying for his marketing service, don't do it ~ you will regret it immediately and loose your money! I hope this art scam and ripoff blog post about his practices and business will find the artist and photographer alike and you will share it with your friends, family and artist network. My best, Juergen
I just got an email from this guy and immediately detected a scam. He even misspelled his website address!
ReplyDeleteGlad you calling it an artist scam too because Bill Tucker thinks it's not. His emails are a joke, his spelling is absolutely terrible and so are his business behaviors and ethics. Make sure to share this post about my real life experience with this crook so that many artists and photographers know about his shady online business Best Art Marketing and his other websites like The Art Marketing Agency and his latest ripoff Visual Arts Marketing. Stay away! I transferred money for his marketing gimmicks, asked for my money back because of the advertised 100% money back guarantee but never got a cent back ~ Be aware, spread the word and avoid any money transfers and payments to Tuck Tucker ~ not worth a dime! My best, Juergen
Hi Vincent, so glad you found this blog post about the scam artist Tuck Tucker or Bill Tucker. His business ethics are poor and the service he provides is not worth a dime. After going back and forth for the refund he falsely advertises and then doesn't provide, I received an email with links and some other useless information ~ really not worth a dime. Multiple times he indicated to pay me my money back just to buy time. I recommend to anybody to stay away from his business, actually anything that he is associated with. It's a ripoff. scam and he only will steal your money. Thanks for dropping a note and hopefully sharing the post with your network! My best, Juergen
Thanks for sharing this Juergen, I had received several emails from him offering all sort of deals like pay if off etc and highlighting the guarantee etc. but since I'm also a web designer and have been familiar with scams on line I was immediately suspect of him and his service since his new website is not of very high quality so that always rings alarm bells for me personally. the saying goes when it sounds too good to be true it usually is! Oh and the interesting thing I found on his new website was that he has used 3 testimonials and repeated them with different names and of course no links to the artists websites etc I appreciate your share as your post was easy to find just doing a review search of his site. I will also be sharing this post with others. cheers Avani
ReplyDeleteThanks so very much Avani ~ so glad this post about this scam of Bill Tucker found its way to you too. I actually heard the alarm bells go off because of his poor website design, spelling mistakes and flashy colors. I should have known better but as I described I was tired and looking for a break. I also thought nobody could get away with offering a 100% money back guarantee and when requested not stand up to it. This is a dead sentence for any online business. I challenged him multiple times on his references but what you just described is unheard off. When I was going back and fourth about this ripoff of photographers and artists he was referring to his linked in followers which just cracked me up. Any how, I think you made the right call to avoid artist scam here ~ I keep repeating myself over and over but I would stay away from the scam artist Tuck Tucker and his shady online marketing business Best Art Marketing or The Art Marketing Agency or Visual Arts Marketing ~ post his latest artist scams here for others to see and share. Thanks for sharing and commenting Avani ~ very much appreciated! My best, Juergen Juergen
ReplyDeleteThanks, Juergen, for confirming my suspicions. I suspected something was up when I saw the endless stream of misspelled words.
ReplyDeleteThanks very much Nicolo - glad this post found you too and you shared it within your social Media network. I believe Tuck Tucker, Will Tucker or William Tucker now has a new name he operates under. Besides the dubious art marketing websites Best Art Marketing, The Art Marketing Agency or Visual Arts Marketing that he already runs I am sure there are new ones as well. Although reported to many agencies it still blows my mind that nobody does anything about his ripoffs and stealing money from artists and photographers. I guess as nobody files a criminal case against it he will keep getting away with it. I was thinking about but moved on ow. Thanks for dropping me the note and sharing this post for many other to see and not fall for his scams! My advise for artists and photographers looking into art marketing and art promotions - stay away from Best Art Marketing, The Art Marketing Agency or Visual Arts Marketing and William Tucker, do your google research and spend your hard earned dollars somewhere else. Happy Easter, Juergen
ReplyDeletelike you said - do a google search - and I came across this blog. Thanks Juergen. Glad my suspicious gut was right.
ReplyDeleteTHANKS SO MUCH, Juergen, for your article. I joined the LinkedIn group just a day or two ago, and thought to join this "opportunity". Fortunately, I asked my family to look at the site as well, and tell me what they think. My son immediately Googled the name and came across your blog. You saved me from losing money.
ReplyDeleteThank you for not just leaving it there, but making us aware.
Great to hear from you Anita and that the blog post about this artist rip-off is still alive and found in a google search. For me it never really was about the money. It was always about Bill Tucker business ethnics and integrity. His offer to promote artists and photographers is bogus and had no value what so ever at the time. It took him month to send me what he promised and I only can assume that he never had to supply the information to begin with – it was awful: useless information, terrible format, worst spelling mistakes within the email document – not even a report as promised. I am glad you did not shell out the money and stayed away – good decision! He blocked me from his group and deleted all my entries – that tells you pretty much everything. You should join the group and post my blog post as a reminder to him and the group Anyways, I hope you shared this blog post throughout your social network and with friends and family protecting photographers and artists from scams and rip-offs.
ReplyDeleteHappy Friday,
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