3 more to go … hope you keep coming back for the
last two photo tips in this series of twenty photography 101 tips, enjoy the
simple read and find the tips helpful. As mentioned in the blog post earlier I
decided to share a series of basic photography tips for the beginner that are
worth while sharing, inspirational, and will keep you motivated in your own Photography endeavor. I am
always thrilled to hear back from you. Hope you enjoy the photo tips and find
them helpful!
Tip #18 of 20: Plan ahead. Keep a close eye on the weather
by watching the forecast the night before or simply look outside to check
whether or not you are going to want to have the sky in your picture. Overcast
sky balances colors beautifully but usually makes for boring, washed-out skies;
hence keep the sky out of the picture as much as possible on overcast days. On
beautiful days with lots of blue sky and interesting cloud formations, go ahead
and make the most out of it. A polarizing filter is sunglasses for your camera
and will minimize unwanted glare on shiny or wet surfaces and boost color
saturation and contrast.
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