Dec 26, 2016

Blue Hour Boston Panorama Skyline Photography - How, When and Where?

Magical Boston skyline panorama night photography
Boston panorama night photography: f/11, 20 seconds at ISO100

The Boston Charles River skyline always offers plenty of photo opportunities. The Back Bay and Beacon Hill neighborhoods features some of the most prominent Boston landmarks; Prudential Center, new and old John Hancock Tower, Massachusetts State House, Sheraton Hotel to name only a few. The mixture of modern and historic architecture is what I love to photograph the most. In this Boston skyline panorama photography image I stitched multiple photographs to arrive at the final blue hour photo. It represents the latest city view along the Charles River with all its latest architecture additions. The river waters were quiet calm and made for decent reflections of the city lights. At twilight the colors and the city lights are in balance for a few minutes that provide ample lighting and makes for great times to photograph cities.

During my routine digital post processing steps I cleaned the image of unwanted dust spots and image imperfections. Furthermore I adjusted lighting, contrast and color saturation before sharpening the final photo of Blue Hour Boston. This image provides sufficient resolution to be printed very large or be utilized in wall murals - feel free to Contact Me with your project specifics.

Good light and happy photo making!


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