Aug 29, 2016

Cape Ann Harmony - Seascape Photography North of Boston

In recent weeks I have been exploring and chasing the light on Cape Ann, located just a short drive north of Boston. Singing Beach is one of my favorite beaches in New England as it hidden by a scenic cliff. 

Early morning is a great time to be at this location and make the best of a sunrise adventure. Beach crowds haven't arrived yet and the lighting is beautiful during dawn. This seascape photography image was taken only minutes before the sun peaked above the horizon. The sky was beautifully painted in orange and blue hues while the Atlantic Ocean surf gently greeted the sand

I set up tripod and gear near the incoming ocean waters while studying any obviously patterns and getting wet feet.  Once I composed a pleasing composition of the sea view I waited for the right wave to hit the beach. 

Aperture was set to f/11 allowing an exposure time of 1/20 of a second at ISO100. A split ND filter balanced the light in the darker foreground against the brighter and colorful sky. During post processing I removed dust spots and other imperfections, adjusted lighting, contrast and color saturation before sharpening the final image of Cape Ann Harmony.

Good light and happy photo making!


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