Over the last 2 or 3 weeks I compiled a series of
photography tips that I thought are worth while sharing, inspirational, and keep everybody motivated for
their own Photography journeys and travels. There is little doubt in my mind that if
taken to heart they will increase our abilities to create more meaningful,
interesting and artistic photography pictures. This is the last post in this
series of 20 photo tips but I consider this one probably the most important
one to share. I am always eager to get your feedback
and comments; open to suggestions as well. What is your most valuable
Tip #20 of 20: A solid tripod is one of the most
important investments for a photographer. High quality nature photography is
rarely accomplished when hand holding our camera. A tripod is essential for low
light photography during the morning, evening and twilight, handy for shooting
wildlife and macro photographs or when we experimenting with impressionistic or
abstract photography. The tripod not only steadies our shooting equipment for
maximum image quality, it also helps us to discover the world of photography. We
are more likely to slow down, step back, think and compose a more meaningful photograph.
We most likely ask ourselves: Is the horizon straight, is there sufficient
depth of field or shall I open up the aperture setting to minimize depth of
field, are there any distracting elements in the foreground or background of my
composition, do I even have a composition?

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