2013 was a fantastic and creative
year for me and my photography art. In this post I compiled a few of my
personal favorites from 2013, reflecting and showcasing the creme de la creme
of my most memorable moments.
Throughout the year there was lots of Boston Skyline photography. I found many new perspectives and re-visited old locations that made for pristine subjects and inspiring images. I also explored panoramic skyline photography and you can expect to see more in 2014. A prime travel photography destination in 2013 was Quebec City. The city is incredibly fun and beautiful subjects at every step you walk and turn - how I want to go back this year!
Most of spring I took home field
advantage and made it a priority to photograph flowers in gardens and park.
There were some really nice finds in my neighborhood and I am particularly
pleased with my tulip flower fine art photography "Yellow Tulips". I
enjoyed photographing close to home the most. One does not always need to
travel far to capture Mother Nature at her best, walking around with an open
mind and eye may move us forward more than traveling thousands of miles to that
desired location we always dream off. As every year at least once I visit
Acadia National Park; same this year, only a different season. This spring trip
turned out to be a total wash out and it mostly stands out for this as battling
the rain and cold was very challenging. Nonetheless I captured the essence of
the National Park and its beautiful rugged seacoast in different light and

This summer I continued my quest for
exceptional insect macro photography and went multiple times to local sanctuary
in Worcester, MA. Butterflies, dragonflies, flies, moths, and grasshoppers were
on the photographic menu. Equipped with the latest photo gear, I was able to
get in very close range of insects in their natural habitat. Patience and persistence
were more important skills than fancy gear. The standout macro photo for me was
when I discovered a fly drinking water from a bubble attached to its head. The
reflecting sun in the bubble was the icing on the cake. This outdoor experience
and being able to capture it on digital film was so rewarding and is something I
will treasure forever! Another summer destination I admire deeply is Cape Cod and its National Seashore. One location I always check out when I visit the
Cape is Bell’s Neck. I am trying for quite some time to get away with a beautiful
picture but never had really succeeded. It all changed this year on a quick pit
stop where a storm drama in the sky unfolded at sunset. Talking about being at
the right place at the right time - I finally got my image of Bell’s Neck!

Autumn was incredible rewarding. I traveled
extensively in New England from the White Mountains in New Hampshire to the
Green Mountains in Vermont, to Western Massachusetts and Connecticut. There was
plenty of fall foliage, rushing brooks and waterfall photography which nicely added
to my online galleries. The most memorable one was probably a trip along Route
100 in Vermont – beautiful light, subjects and people to chat it up with on the
Winter made for one heck of a month in December when I finally got close to Snowy Owls on Plum Island - what magnificent and beautiful birds to photograph!
What’s in stock for 2014? Hopefully another World Series for Boston and the Red Sox; for me personally more photo
tours, workshops and travel to New England waterfalls, Green Mountains in Vermont, the
White Mountains in New Hampshire and Northern Maine where I will be on the
lookout for black bear and moose – would be nice to finally add them to my
wildlife photography gallery. Visiting Acadia National Park is scheduled for
winter, summer and fall, hopefully another trip to Florida earlier this year. The
big trip will be Europe this year – Germany, Austria, Netherlands and either France and Italy.
Most important though for 2014 is
that I hopefully continue to inspire with my photography images, travel
anecdotes and photo tips - hope you stay tuned and join me on my journey.
Wishing everybody a healthy, prosperous,
and happy New Year!
My best,