Motif Number One in Rockport, MA on Cape Ann is an exceptional photo subject year-round. I love visiting this iconic landmark and spot north of Boston. The historic red fishing shack
at Bearskin Neck on
Bradley Wharf always stands out against the beautiful contrast of the warm hues of sunrise or sunset skies. My last visit brought me here at sunset and I was eager to capture another full moon rising across this picturesque working New England harbor and its fishing boat fleet. Temperatures were low, but not too bad compared to my last
Motif Number One Full Moon adventure here. Upon arrival I first explored the views of Motif Number 1 from
Bradley Wharf, the setting sun painted the harbor scenery in beautiful light. I used the time at hand to capture some more intimate shots of dinghies while also taking photos of the harbor. Ones it was time I worked my way over to the old boat ramp in Rockport. Research unveiled that the moon was going to rise right next to Motif #1. Three more photographers did their research as well and we shared doing the same thing while chatting it up a bit. Equipped with a Canon 100-400mm lens and a 1.4x telezomm converter I got to work. Cloud cover was a bit of a hurdle but also ended up being a blessing. The late night illuminated the scenery and clouds popped at the horizon in beautiful colors. The full moon showed no shyness that night and slowly but surely became more and more visible between the clouds. Ones bright and shiny, I was able to sneak in a bunch of moon photos before it disappeared between the clouds. Great night for nature and New England Full Moon Photography, so glad I made it out!
Focal lens was at 100mm while an aperture setting of f/11 provided a shutter speed of 1/25 seconds at ISO100. During post-processing I applied noise reduction and mainly adjusted brightness, contrast, and saturation, removed unwanted dust spots and image imperfection before sharpening the final digital photography image of
Full Moon over Rockport Harbor and Motif Number One.
Good light and happy photo making!
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